Student Work

Gothic Horror Series

By Rachel Winter

The Idea

The class assignment was to create book covers for a series of three related works. I chose Gothic horror stories – Frankenstein, Dr, Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Dracula.

Since these stories have been around for many years, how could I create a cover that would draw in the buyer and create a need for them to choose this version of the book over another?

The answer was to make the book enticing, eye-catching and collectible. To solve the problem I chose to create covers that focus on the main character of each story. I created a visual narrative that would draw on each character’s complexity and persona.

I found inspiration and resources in old medical textbooks and was inspired by collage.

Delivery of Work

Since this is a student project, these covers have not been published.

The Results

Again, this is a student project that has not been published.



Event Sponsors

Additional generous support provided by Lagunitas Brewing Comapny and The Fraternal Order of Eagles #34