Lab Rats

By Werner Design Werks

The Idea

Lab Rats is a breeding ground for ideas. A place where studies in collaboration between creative minds, cultural scientists and business leaders are ongoing in order to develop and build ideas. This deluxe introduction kit is sent to the モAlpha Ratsヤ (the preeminent participants) and is filled with a variety of items to help stimulate creative thinking and inspire ideas. The brochure booklet is attached to the deluxe kit and is sent out as an independent piece to the standard “Lab Rats” and the “R&D Rats.”

Delivery of Work

The kits and the booklets were sent to the lucky chosen participants via UPS and standard mail.

The Results

Thanks to the contents and appearance of the Lab Rats intro kit, the client is negotiating with a major investor who wants to buy the entire concept and expand its capacities.



Event Sponsors

Additional generous support provided by Lagunitas Brewing Comapny and The Fraternal Order of Eagles #34