Student Work

Sex-U-Mah Cover

By Christopher Ryan

The Idea

For the 2nd Annual Sex-U-Mah Issue at the Minnesota Daily Newspaper, we wanted to create a cover that reflected the special issue’s subject of sex, but still have a fun and appropriate look. After brainstorming with the rest of our department, I decided to go with typography basically built out of objects associated (both literally and through innuendo) with sex. I hand drew everything with pen and colored it in with a bright eye catching palette. I then added some hand written type at the top and bottom of the design. The concentration of things and colors abstracted the objects themselves and allowed the letterforms to stand out. This made for an “eye-spy” for adults that had people across campus engaged all day.

Delivery of Work

The design was printed on a B-Section cover for the Minnesota Daily and was seen by a majority of campus.

The Results

The cover generated a lot of buzz across campus for the Minnesota Daily and was a huge success for getting the word out about the new special issue.



Event Sponsors

Additional generous support provided by Lagunitas Brewing Comapny and The Fraternal Order of Eagles #34