
    The holiday season is a time when the dreaded corporate holiday card arrives in company inboxes across the country. We wanted to give people more than a cheap laugh or a one-liner for the holidays. So we created a New Year’s greeting that people would spend time with, come back to, and even share with their friends.

    With monotunes, people could create their own 8-bit musical masterpieces simply by clicking on avatars of different mono employees. Each avatar played its own unique layer of music and was accompanied by a character animation/dance. The site included hidden special moves that could be unlocked by playing certain combinations of characters or typing in a special keyword. We used Twitter to release hints about how people could “crack the code.”

    Aside from being a fun, creative outlet and an engaging way to get people to think of us as 2012 rang in, it gave mono an opportunity to shed some light on all the different personalities that make up our agency.

    Delivery of Work

    monotunes reached the masses mainly through social media, with Twitter and Facebook being the primary vehicles. Initially, we sent the site out as an email wishing clients and friends of the agency a happy new year along with a link to the site. We also wrote a blog post about the site. Additionally, key online media publishers including Creativity, Communication Arts, the Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal, Thrillist, and Trend Hunter picked up monotunes and helped give the site an international audience including visitors in Europe, Asia, and South America.

    The Results

    The site received nearly 33,000 visits with more than 3,800 page views and was received positively both domestically and internationally. Through posts by various online media outlets as well as spreading virally through Twitter, mono was able to reinforce the principles of our simple thinking, as well as provide folks with a fun and different way to ring in the New Year.

    • Animators

      • mono
    • Art Directors

      • mono
    • Copywriters

      • mono
    • Creative Directors

      • mono
    • Developer

      • mono
    • Graphic Designers

      • mono
    • Interactive Designers

      • mono
    • Production

      • mono