AIGA Minnesota Launches New Online Home July 14, 2010
I’m very honored and excited to welcome you to AIGA Minnesota’s new website, the ultimate result of a project that has been in the works for nearly a year. As an organization which represents communications professionals, it’s important for us to have an interactive presence that is in keeping with the standards of excellence shared by our members.
I’d also like to express my appreciation to the many AIGA Minnesota volunteers who spent countless hours making the new site a reality. Kyle Meyer for the design you see in front of you, and the Clockwork team members: Kevin O’Brien for production and development, Tony Meysenburg for project management, and Ben Beuchler for system adminstration. Special thanks to Nancy Lyons for generously dedicating the time and resources of Clockwork Active Media Systems. I’d also like to thank board members Katrin Loss, Evelyn Khoo, Brent Stickels, Joe Isaak, and Jen Soik for their work in helping get things ready for launch, as well as AIGA member Todd Norem for his assistance with copywriting.
One technical note: Now that we’ve got our new site up and running, our next big challenge is to switch over to a new event registration and management system. That change will occur in the coming months, so please bear with us while we’re getting all of the pieces lined up behind the scenes. We’ll also have a mobile optimized version of the site for your on-the-go AIGA Minnesota needs.
We’d like to know what you think of our efforts and how you think we can improve the site in the future—so leave us a note in the comments section below!
Kind regards,
Seth Johnson
President, AIGA Minnesota