Welcome to the 2017 AIGA Minnesota Luncheons series! We have three fantastic speaking events lined up and we can’t wait to kick off a brand-new season. Last year’s new format was universally well-received, so we’re continuing to keep the fresh vibes alive with a new venue, new food and new discussion each week.

This season, the discussion theme is family ties. Ties can be good and bad—obstacles or opportunities. Whether they grew up with design or married into it, our speakers have strong family ties that blur the lines between their professional and personal lives. Join us for the inside scoop on working, living and breathing together—how ideas spread, how secrets are kept and how family bonds make design better.

So get out and get inspired! You never know where a lunch may lead!

Summer of 2017 Schedule:

Monday, June 19th – Heather & Leslie Olson @ Surly Brewing Co.
Wednesday, July 26th – Joe Sr & Joseph Duffy @ Day Block Brewing
Thursday, August 24th -Liz Gardner with Josef & Marty Harris @ Eat Street Social (info coming soon!)

Ticket Costs – purchase online

AIGA Members

  • Trustee | $20
  • Leader / Sustainer | $25
  • Supporter | $30
  • Contributor | $35
  • Student / Educator | $15

All Non-members | $40


If you need special assistance to participate in this event, please contact Phen Grant & Leah Edelman-Brier, Luncheons Co-Chairs, at least 5 business days in advance of the program. If we do not receive timely notification of your reasonable request, we may not be able to make the necessary arrangements.


Merging studio practice with retail and hotel, Shannon Maldonado of Philadelphia’s Yowie Hotel reconsiders traditional definitions of designer, shop, and host. [read more…]