Most certainly a favorite moment of mine must have taken place sometime in early-to-mid 2010. Outgoing director of programming Brent Stickels had invited Jen Soik and I over to his lovely home for dinner. We ended up staying all night — drinking plenty of wine, listening to records, and strategizing how to split the overworked programming director position into three new board positions. To this day, I still remember Brent hearing the newspaper hit the front door and realizing that it was probably time to call it a night (or a morning).
That evening cemented a deep and productive friendship between Jen and myself, paved the way toward being able to offer even more and stronger programming to our members, and demonstrated how valuable it is to form lasting relationships with fellow leaders. It also produced three enormous hangovers and made clear how awesome it was to party at Brent’s house. Thanks, Brent!

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