Standing on Shoulders br>Presentation Lecture July 27, 2016
Concordia Leaders of Design Series
Lester Beall Exhibition and Presentation Lecture
October 10 – November 4, 2016
Concordia Art Center Galleries
AIGA Minnesota Standing on Shoulders Presentation Lecture
October 20, 2016
6:00 – 7:30pm
Buetow Music Center Auditorium
Roger Remington, Massimo and Lella Vignelli Distinguished Professor of Design at RIT, has been seriously engaged in the research, interpretation and preservation of the history of graphic design. He has co-chaired two major symposia on graphic design history and written Nine Pioneers in American Graphic Design, for The MIT Press. His second book, Lester Beall: Trailblazer of American Graphic Design was published in July of 1996 by W.W. Norton. American Modernism: Graphic Design 1920-1960 was published in 2003 by Laurence King Publishers in London. Most recently he has written Design and Science: The Life and Work of Will Burtin, published by Lund Humphries in 2007.
Gallery Reception
October 20, 2016
7:30 – 9:00pm
Please join us for an evening of art, inspiration, conversation, and refreshments.
Concordia Art Center Galleries