Identity Systems

Title: Fair Game

Purpose of The Work:Public Radio, popular with the over 50 set, is failing to attract the younger listeners, a trend that could have detrimental impact. Fair Game is a public radio program designed to appeal to the younger demographic by taking topical issues head on, covering everything from politics to pop culture. The brand identity system needed to capture the program and host’s unique juxtapositions of satire and real insight, intellectual debate and pop culture entertainment, sweet moments and provocative statements. Because the system was targeted primarily to business contacts (celebrities, politicians, producers, funders), it was important that it feel professional, yet distinctly different from the type of program typically airing on public radio.

Company: mono
Designer: mono
Art Director: mono
Client: Public Radio International
Copywriter: mono
Production: mono
Paper: French construction recycled white, Touché white cover
Printer: Anderberg-Lund
Quantity: 5,000
Date: February 2007