Studio Tour & Happy Hour
March 7, 2016
Summary by Paul Nylander, photos by Michelle Schulp and Sandra Theis
By any measure, the first revamped Solopreneurs: Studio Tour & Happy Hour on February 25, 2016—a visit to KNOCK—was a spectacular success. With over 30 attendees, we were standing room only at one of Minneapolis’ fastest-growing creative agencies. Nestled in the southern edge of North Minneapolis, KNOCK along with its offshoot companies TREAT and NEIGHBOR, is aiming to become a more full-service agency, as VP Creative Execution Creighton King puts it, to address the needs of larger clients.
Of particular interest to AIGA Solos was KNOCK’s extensive use of freelance contractors. In part to test the waters before new hires, and in part to deal with the ever-changing resource demands, KNOCK has a healthy relationship with a number of local creatives, and is always looking to meet more. Internally databased, Design Director Jason Miller and Digital Design Director Bryan Pieper have their fingertips on the pulse of a universe of creative talent.
Our facility tour included a look at their upscale communal dining areas (a tradition born from the early days of a handful of employees, and not wanting to leave someone behind when everyone else when out for lunch), art collaborations, and hip flexible workspace. In the basement, all of us were gaga for their extensive 3D rendering and photo studio spaces.
Following the tour, many of us took in the up-and-coming Bryn Mawr neighborhood’s Sparks Restaurant for drinks, eats, and a lively debrief.
Be sure to watch for our next Solopreneurs: Studio Tour & Happy Hour coming up in April.