Solos: Perfect Your Pitch March 12, 2016
Summary by Michelle Schulp
The AIGA Minnesota Solopreneurs meet every month for lunch and lively discussion, bringing new and experienced independent creatives together to talk shop and seek camaraderie over a specific topic of conversation. Themes are usually decided based on the discussion from the previous month, and address issues that solopreneurs typically face.
The March 2016 topic, “Perfect Your Pitch,” highlighted effective methods of verbally promoting yourself. Because a solopreneur relies heavily on word of mouth and referrals, a good pitch is key to success. However, people in the creative industry often struggle with how to talk about what they do, whether to potential clients or to peers in similar fields. Solopreneurs came to the gathering prepared to talk about their business and offer productive feedback.
Fun icebreaker questions (such as “what would your superpower be?”) helped participants talk about their business in a non-traditional way, and allowed each person to get past using standard, generic descriptions. An overall theme emerged: the importance of storytelling in a pitch. Establishing an emotional or logical connection with others, and tying that story to a familiar problem that you can solve, is much more memorable than a list of skills or clever tagline. Stories resonate with people and get them excited, especially if they can relate to the story or see themselves in it.
The mood was energizing, as everyone became more comfortable talking about themselves and rediscovering the parts of their skills that get them excited. In April, the conversation will continue as we discuss how to tell stories that go beyond just the work in your portfolio. Will you join us?
Solopreneurs (#aigamnsolos) meet at 12-1 pm on the second Thursday of each month at Common Roots Café in the community room. Attendees buy their own refreshments. A committee planning meeting follows at 1-1:30 pm. All are invited!
Contact [email protected] if you have questions.