Sun, Dec 1st
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Applications/nominations accepted now thru December 1, 2019
We invite you to submit your nominations for the 2019–2021 AIGA Minnesota Board of Directors. Self-nominations are welcome and encouraged.
AIGA Minnesota is a 100% volunteer-run organization and in the past 12 months more than 100 AIGA members have volunteered for the chapter in some capacity giving freely of their time, expertise and resources. The passion of our volunteers is the lifeblood of the organization.
We’re looking for local design leaders and enthusiasts to step up and commit to a term of service to help shape the future of the Minnesota chapter. Together, we can do amazing things.
Serving on the AIGA Minnesota board
– Commitment: A two year agreement to serve on the Chapter board, as well as the time, motivation and dedication to make a difference in the community you live and work in. It is hard work yet rewarding as you cultivate a network in the area and beyond thanks to the nation-wide network of AIGA chapters.
– Responsibility: You are part of and representing the Minnesota design community. AIGA Minnesota’s Board of Directors is a body elected of and by the members, which holds the association in trust for AIGA members past, present, and future. We are committed to having an inclusive community embracing different perspectives and viewpoints. And we are equally dedicated to providing a safe and productive experience for everyone who participates in AIGA and to treating everyone with respect.
– AIGA Membership: All active Chapter board members are to be members of AIGA. Directors (voting) are required to join AIGA at the Supporting level or higher. Associate Directors (non-voting) are required to join at the Contributor level or higher.
– Show Up: Support your fellow board member’s passions, projects & programming. Board members are asked to attend as many chapter events as possible.
You’re already a part of AIGA. You commit your resources to membership and participate in chapter programming. Consider the next step and volunteer to help us shape our community while growing as a leader, designer, and collaborator.
Applications/nominations are due December 1, 2019.
Submit your self or peer nominations now or contact us for more information on any of these positions that will be opening up on the Chapter board. Volunteers are also needed to support various Chapter programming and initiatives throughout the year.
Director of Legacy Programming
The Director of Legacy Programming oversees Chapter programming efforts that produce the Chapter’s legacy events. The Director will ensure that these events continue to be developed in the Chapter’s best interests, are produced within budget and contract terms, and are revenue-generating or revenue-neutral. Further, the Director will ensure that, commensurate with longstanding tradition, these events continue to align with Chapter objectives by offering benefits including educational and networking opportunities to the Chapter membership. The Director will oversee the formation and smooth and continued operation of committees who, led by their respective committee Chairs, will produce the events.
The Secretary is the key support person for the Chapter’s board of directors. Leads organizational efforts to ensure the board functions cohesively and that board meetings run smoothly. Oversees integration of new members to the board of directors. Plans for monthly board meetings, takes minutes, distributes, collects, and archives files using project management software. Works with the President, Vice President, and Treasurer to review event proposals and budgets, make decisions regarding Chapter policy, and provide guidance for the Board of Directors and the Chapter as a whole. Works with the Associate Director of Archives to organize and file Chapter historical documents and resources.
The Treasurer oversees the overall financial health of the Chapter and act as advisor to and liaison between Chapter board and Chapter financial resources and systems. Advise board in financial matters to ensure that Chapter programs and activities are fiscally viable; establish long-term financial goals for the Chapter; and ensure alignment of local financial goals with national AIGA initiatives as well as local Chapter purpose statement.
Director of Career Practice
The Director of Career Practice oversees Chapter programming efforts and initiatives that serve the Career Practice needs of membership segments in terms of their Career Stages (e.g., Emerging, Expert) and Career Specialties (e.g., In-house, Solopreneur, UX/Digital). The Director will ensure that programs and initiatives generated for the benefit of these segments are developed in the Chapter’s best interests, are open to all members, are sustainably produced and within budget. Further, the Director will ensure that programs align with Chapter objectives by offering benefits including inspirational, educational, and networking opportunities to the membership.
Director of Design Impact
The Director of Design Impact oversees Chapter programming, initiatives, and operations that serve to demonstrate, protect, or increase the impact of design as a professional craft, strategic tool, and vital cultural force. In doing so, the Director will strive to identify and interact with external (non-member or non-designer) audiences which may currently be unaware of AIGA Minnesota or the broader design community or profession.
Committee Chairs
We’re also currently looking for AIGA members who are interested in leading our various programming committees and initiatives such as Portfolio One-on-One®, Design Camp® and Sustainable Design. Specific roles and time commitment will vary by committee.
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Not ready to commit to joining the Chapter board quite yet?
We’re also looking for members to join various committees to support AIGA Minnesota’s programming and initiatives throughout the year. Specific roles and time commitment will vary by committee.
Opportunities currently available:
– Emerging Designers (0-5 years of experience)
– Established Designers (5+ years of experience)
– Design for Good
– Sustainable Design
– Digital/UX
– Communications: writers, photographers and videographers
To submit a nomination (or to apply) for one of the positions posted above, complete this form. You will be asked to submit the nominee’s résumé (or link to LinkedIn profile) and answer questions about the nominee’s volunteer and leadership experience to be considered for a position on the board.
Applications/nominations are due December 1, 2019.