Mon, Apr 14th - Fri, Apr 18th
Online, Google Meet Link Coming Soon

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AIGA Minnesota is thrilled to be hosting our legacy event: Portfolio 1-on-1.

Before embarking on your design career search, get invaluable critiques on your portfolio to set your work a step above the rest!

Get ready to showcase your skills and connect with top design professionals at AIGA MN’s annual Portfolio 1-on-1 event! By putting the power in the hands of the students, we’re allowing a wider range of experiences over four-day long portfolio review window ending with a synchronous, online panel session and awards ceremony. 

Happenings: Synchronous, 1-on-1 portfolio reviews (Zoom/Google Meet) from April 14 – 17th between 9am – 6pm CT.

The event is for students only, senior or junior, in academic standing. 

The Details

You will be given access to reserve three portfolio reviews with professionals of your choice based on their availability between April 14th – April 17th from 9am – 6pm CT. These reviews will be thirty minutes long and consist of a portfolio presentation, question and answers, and live feedback. On April 8th at 7pm CT, your attendance is required at our orientation zoom meeting for all the exclusive details regarding best practices in presentations, sample portfolios, the rubric being used by reviewers to rank portfolios, and lastly, information regarding the closing remarks. The closing remarks on April 18th from 4:30 – 6pm CT is required if you’d like to be considered for the portfolio scholarship(s). 


Registration opens Friday, February 7th, 2025.
Registration closes Monday, April 7th, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. CST.
By attending Portfolio 1-on-1, you embark on developing a network of professional contacts that will be valuable as you research the professional world where you will be seeking employment.
  • Learn firsthand what potential employers might specifically require of newly graduated professionals, and get guidance on further perfecting your portfolio.
  • Find out the pulse of the current design, digital, branding, advertising, and corporate trends and needs and potentially find your future mentor or even an employer.
  • Be considered against your peers for scholarship dollars to put towards tuition.
  1. Rate: $30

Call for Reviewers

We’re currently looking for committed professional designers to review student portfolios.

We are planning for an entirely virtual reviews starting Monday, April 14th, 2025, at 9 a.m. CST until Thursday, April 18th, 2025, at 6 p.m. CST. You can provide one thirty-minute time slot or as many as works with your schedule.

Application deadline: March 31st at midnight.

You will be contacted via email provided if you have been selected to be a reviewer by our board on April 1st at noon.

Attendance Scholarships

We invite you to apply for a scholarship to attend Portfolio 1-on-1 if you identify as a member of under-represented groups related to race/ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability status, age, socioeconomic class, and/or veteran status.

If you would like to apply for an attendance scholarship, please do not register! We will identify winners after the March 6th, 2025 (3pm CT) deadline.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].


March 7th

Attendance scholarship recipients are announced

April 8th @ 7pm CT

Required Kickoff Orientation Zoom Meeting

Master schedule is released to students following the orientation

April 13th @ 5pm CT

Portfolio PDF submission deadline

April 14th – April 17th, 9am –6pm CT

Portfolio Reviews

April 18th @ 4:30pm – 6pm CT

Closing Ceremony (Required if you want to be eligible for the Portfolio Scholarship)

Support Future Designers

Want to make an impact?

Your donation towards our chapter events helps us operate and continue to contribute to our local design community here in Minnesota. You can make a general event donation, or you can specify how you’d like your donation used. Here’s some ideas:

  • Sponsor a Student’s Attendance
  • Contribute to the Portfolio Scholarship
  • Support Portfolio 1-on-1 Specifically

Contact Leadership

Cailey Birchem
Cailey Birchem
Chair of Portfolio 1-on-1® Committee
Hi, I'm a designer, illustrator, educator, and artist based in Minnesota.

After graduating from Alexandria College in Communication Design, I went on to get my Bachelor's Degree from Bemidji State University with triple emphasis in exhibit design, graphic design, and studio arts. I graduated from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design in the spring of 2022 with my MFA in Interdisciplinary Design.

Currently, I am an instructor at Alexandria College in the Communication Design department while operating an active freelance business.