Thu, Feb 15th, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Hustle NOLO
718 Washington Ave North, Suite 301, Minneapolis MN 55401

By attending an AIGA event, you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct.

Join us for our first in-person Solopreneurs meeting of the year. We’ll kick it off by sharing a decision making framework and then move to introductions. Now is the opportunity to direct the conversation and share your experience. Possible topics include: volunteer/community opportunities, roadblocks, best practices, marketing, AI software, recommendations, etc. You are welcome to eat lunch during the meeting. Please RSVP to [email protected]


Solopreneurs is a monthly meeting of independent creatives sponsored by AIGA MN. Join us for an insightful discussion on topics relevant to people working in the creative economy. Meet other local, independent freelancers, consultants, small business owners, and entrepreneurs. All creatives welcome. Free to everyone.

Past Topics

  • Wins & Losses
  • Studio Tour
  • MCAD Roundtable
  • Guest Speaker: Tax Professional
  • Finding Different Income Streams
  • Design For Good
  • Goal Setting
  • Tools & Tech
  • A.I. News
  • Pricing
  • Business Development
  • Professional Development

Contact Leadership

Leah Meilander
Leah Meilander
Chair of Solopreneurs
I am Freelance Visual Designer and Artist based in Bloomington, MN. I have over a decade of experience with brand identities, designing for print & digital, website design, event design, as well as marketing strategy & planning. Overall, I'm more of a generalist who specializes in brand strategy, graphic design, and web design.

In addition to being a freelance designer, I am also a lettering and illustration artist. A lot of my custom hand-drawn work appears in my client projects.

When I’m not designing or drawing, I enjoy climbing/bouldering, lifting, going to movies, dancing, and hanging out with family & friends.