Sat, Mar 3rd, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
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“The official term for an immigrant is alien. Does anyone see how truly demeaning that is? Speaking of Home is a provocative design project that combines photography and spectacle into visual activism – transforming alien to a friend. That’s what America is designed to do . . . make friends into citizens whatever their origins.”
— Steven Heller
Guided tour and panel discussion with participants from the exhibition
Speaking of Home is a public artwork exploring what home means to Minnesota immigrants. When families emigrate from or flee their country of origin, family photographs are often among the few and sometimes only surviving fragments from their native culture and their personal history. Collaborating with Nancy Ann Coyne, more than 50 immigrants shared with her their family photographs before their immigration— often only a handful—and their life stories. Their backgrounds represent countries on six continents, all major religions, sexual orientations and walks of life. It is St. Paul Skyways first-ever public installation.
Join Speaking of Home participants, Jote Taddese, Tamim Saidi, Sophie Rodrigues, and Marla Jadoonanan with principal Nancy Ann Coyne and design director Mike Haug on a guided tour followed by a panel discussion at the Hilton Double Tree in St. Paul. Participants will share their stories, inviting us to understand the challenges of creating a home in a foreign place.
This event includes a guided tour as well as a panel discussion with participants from the exhibition.
If you are interested in attending this event, please RSVP at [email protected] and meet at the Hilton Double Tree Lobby for the guided tour at 5:45-6:00pm.
- 5:45-6:00 Meet at the Hilton Double Tree Lobby
- 6:00-7:00 Guided Tour: Four Skyways over 6th and Minnesota Street
- 7:00-800 Panel Discussion: Hilton Double Tree/Rival House’s Rival Room.
This is a free event. Please RSVP at [email protected]
Hilton Double Tree St. Paul
411 Minnesota St, St Paul, MN 55101
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