Thu, Jul 18th, 5:00pm - 8:00pm
By attending an AIGA event, you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct.
Connect with local creative groups and have fun with fellow designers
AIGA Minnesota is hosting a creative social mixer along with some of the Twin Cities best creative organizations and associations. Come to learn about different creative groups, events, and organizations, meet others looking to build and grow the creative community. It’s a one-stop shop to learn more about groups with your interests at heart. And there will be swag!
Join us to mingle, network, and participate in hands-on activities where you can create, play and mix it up while enjoying a drink.
Participating Organizations:
- Art Buddies
- Blackbird Revolt
- FilmNorth
- MSP Film Society
- SheSays Minneapolis
The event is sold out. If you reserved a ticket and are no longer able to attend, please email [email protected].
The Nitty Gritty
- This event is free to attend.
- Open to those interested in plugging into the creative community.
- There will be a cash bar with light snacks.
- Swag will be available for the first 100 people in the door. Once it’s gone, there won’t be more, so if that’s your thing, be here early.
- Tip: bring a creative friend or colleague! It’s a mixer!
- Limited childcare will be available at the event. Please specify your need on the registration form.
The Gateway Ramp is the official parking ramp of Fueled Collective with a $6/day validation rate for Fueled Collective members & guests.
Gateway Ramp: 400 S 3rd St, Minneapolis, MN 55415
Are you an organization looking to participate?
Email [email protected] for more information on how to get involved.