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Title: Baby-To-Be

Purpose of the Work: This poster was created for Art Crank Minneapolis-a poster show for people who love biking. When I got this project, my wife and I had just found out that we were going to have a baby and so I wanted to do something that mixed that joy with my joy of biking.

Company: BBDO Minneapolis
Designer: Allan Peters
Creative Director: Brian Kroening
Client: Art Crank
Copywriter: Allan Peters
Illustrator: Allan Peters
Production: Allan Peters
Paper: French Speckletone 100lb.
Printer: Lovely Mpls/Lost & Found
Quantity: 110
Date Published: January 2010

©2010 AIGA Minnesota | International Market Square, 275 Market Street, Suite C21, Minneapolis, MN 55405
612 339 6904 | [email protected] | Creative Design Sussner Design Co. | Web Development Kenton Hanson
AIGA | the professional association for design

AIGA Minnesota Design Show 2010 is proudly sponsored by these companies

Title Sponsor:  Target   Event Sponsor:  letoile