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Title: Back to College Survival Kit

Purpose of the Work: The Back-to-College season starts earlier every year. To set Target apart form the competition, we developed a pre-shopping-season marketing piece directed toward parents and recently graduated high school students. This piece gave helpful hints on what to expect in August and September, checklists, planning guides, promotional offers, and a sweepstakes that provided cash for tuition.

Company: Catalyst Studios
Designer: Dave Dickey
Art Director: Shannon Pettini (Creative Director) Fiona Mitchell, Target (Creative Manager)
Client: Target
Copywriter: Adam Reynolds, Target
Illustrator: Sarah Labieniec
Date: 4/1/2006
Single/Series: Single

AIGA Minnesota, International Market Square | 275 Market Street, Suite C15, Minneapolis, MN 55405 | Phone: 612 339 6904 | Fax: 612 338 7981
[email protected] | ©2007 AIGA MInnesota | Special Thanks | Creative Design IMAGEHAUS | Website Development Hanson Design