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Title: 2006 Valentine’s Day Card

Purpose of the Work: Little & Company designs and produces an annual Valentine’s Day card for clients, partners, & friends —the card is a love fest, an opportunity to reconnect and let them know how much we love and appreciate them. Most importantly our Valentine is an opportunity to give back to our local and global communities with charitable donations.

Company: Little & Company
Designer: Heidi Schweigert
Art Director: Joe Cecere
Client: Little & Company
Copywriter: Alison Illies
Illustrator: Heidi Schweigert
Production: Kim Siebold
Paper: 80 # Environment PC 100 in white, 65# Domtar Hots Red Vellum
Printer: Shapco Printing
Quantity: 2,000
Date: 2/1/2006
Single/Series: Single

AIGA Minnesota, International Market Square | 275 Market Street, Suite C15, Minneapolis, MN 55405 | Phone: 612 339 6904 | Fax: 612 338 7981
[email protected] | ©2007 AIGA MInnesota | Special Thanks | Creative Design IMAGEHAUS | Website Development Hanson Design