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Title: The Kresge Foundation 2007

Purpose of the Work: The focus this year was to communicate the foundation’s new and evolving approach to grantmaking—an approach instituted to allow the foundation to be more flexible and adaptable to the ever changing needs of the nonprofit community. It was critical that the foundation’s current and potential grantee organizations become aware of, and familiar with, Kresge’s new grantmaking tools.

company: ThinkDesign Group
designer: Linda Henneman
creative director: Linda Henneman
client: The Kresge Foundation copywriters: Jonathan Wiese, Wiese Creative; Claudia Capos
photographers: Douglas Schaible Photography, Jack Alterman, Don Hamerman, Lars Hansen, Greg Staffidi
production: Corey Sevett
paper: Neenah ENVIRONMENT 100PC
printer: University Lithoprinters, Ann Arbor, MI
quantity/impressions: 4,000
date published: September 2008

AIGA | the professional association for design | AIGA Minnesota, International Market Square | 275 Market Street, Suite C15, Minneapolis, MN 55405 |
| ©2009 AIGA MInnesota | 612 339 6904 | [email protected] | Special Thanks | Creative Design IMAGEHAUS | Website Development Kenton Hanson |